Burkinabe Women features – appearance and personality

Updated on Apr 2023
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Burkina Faso is a landlocked country in West Africa with a rich cultural heritage. One of the most striking aspects of Burkina Faso is the diversity of its people, which includes over 60 ethnic groups. Burkinabe women are known for their strength, resilience, and beauty. In this article, we will explore the appearance and personality of Burkinabe women and their beauty standards.

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What do Burkinabe women look like?

Burkinabe women come in all shapes, sizes, and complexions. However, there are some common features that are often associated with Burkinabe women. One of the most striking features of Burkinabe women is their height. The average height for women in Burkina Faso is 5 feet 4 inches (163 cm), which is taller than the global average for women. Burkinabe women also tend to have a curvaceous figure, which is highly valued in their culture.

Burkinabe Women features

Burkinabe women facial features

Facial features of Burkinabe women vary depending on their ethnicity. However, some common facial features include high cheekbones, broad noses, full lips, and dark skin. Many Burkinabe women also have traditional tribal scars on their faces, which are considered a sign of beauty and cultural identity. These scars are usually located on the forehead, cheeks, or chin and are created using a razor blade or knife.

Physical characteristics of typical Burkinabe Woman

Burkinabe women possess an average height of 158 cm (5 feet 2 inches) and an average weight of 56 kg (123 lb.). Their body shapes predominantly lean towards an hourglass category, featuring proportionate bust and hip measurements with a narrower waist. Genetics, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices contribute to variations in their physical characteristics.

Burkinabe women personality traits

Burkinabe women are known for their strength, resilience, and resourcefulness. They are often the backbone of their families and communities and play a vital role in maintaining social harmony. Burkinabe women are also known for their hospitality and generosity. They often go out of their way to make guests feel welcome and comfortable.

Burkinabe women are known for their open-mindedness, socializing skills, and friendly demeanor. These traits are deeply rooted in their culture and are essential to their way of life.

Burkinabe women are very open-minded

Burkinabe women are open-minded and are willing to embrace new ideas and experiences. They are not afraid to challenge traditional norms and are often at the forefront of social change. Burkinabe women value education and are eager to learn about new concepts and ideas. This open-mindedness extends beyond their personal lives and into their communities, where they often play a crucial role in promoting progress and development.

Burkinabe women enjoy socializing with friends and family

Burkinabe women place great importance on socializing with friends and family. They enjoy spending time together and often gather to share meals and stories. Social events such as weddings, baptisms, and funerals are an important part of Burkinabe culture, and women play a central role in organizing and participating in these events.

Burkinabe women are friendly

Burkinabe women are known for their friendly and welcoming nature. They are always willing to lend a helping hand and make visitors feel at home. Hospitality is a crucial aspect of Burkinabe culture, and women are often the ones responsible for preparing meals and making guests feel comfortable.

In addition to their hospitality, Burkinabe women are also known for their sense of humor and love of music and dance. They enjoy singing and dancing together, and music is an essential part of their social gatherings.

Overall, Burkinabe women are open-minded, sociable, and friendly. They value education, family, and community and are always willing to embrace new ideas and experiences. Their hospitality and sense of humor make them a joy to be around, and their love of music and dance adds an extra element of fun to any social event. Burkinabe women are a testament to the warmth and vitality of the people of Burkina Faso.

What are the Burkinabe Women’s beauty standards?

Beauty standards in Burkina Faso are diverse and vary depending on the ethnic group. However, there are some common beauty standards that are often associated with Burkinabe women. One of the most important beauty standards in Burkina Faso is a curvaceous figure. This is often achieved through a combination of diet, exercise, and traditional herbal remedies. Women with a curvaceous figure are considered to be healthy and fertile, which is highly valued in their culture.

Another important beauty standard in Burkina Faso is clear and glowing skin. Many Burkinabe women use natural remedies such as shea butter, coconut oil, and honey to keep their skin healthy and hydrated. Traditional body painting and tattooing are also used to enhance the beauty of Burkinabe women.


Burkinabe women are strong, resilient, and beautiful. Their physical features and personality traits are shaped by their rich cultural heritage and diverse ethnic backgrounds. Despite the challenges they face, Burkinabe women continue to play a vital role in their families and communities. Their beauty standards are unique and reflect the values and beliefs of their culture. Overall, Burkinabe women are a testament to the strength and beauty of the people of Burkina Faso.